Sep 10, 2008

A Word About SEO Traffic And PPC Traffic

Traffic is the root of where all sales are produced from and if you're an internet marketer you know that without it you will never be successful online. But there are 2 types of traffic that anyone marketing online should be familiar with and they are: targeted and non-targeted.

Targeted and non-targeted traffic are not created equal and will have a huge impact on whether you're web site succeeds or fails online. For anyone marketing a niche you should know targeted traffic is what you want to focus on. When something that could be fancied by the masses then you definately want everyone to take a look at in which case non-targeted traffic would be a better choice.

Now there are several services out there that would advertise your product for a price and allow you to choose between targeted and non-targeted traffic. You choose a campaign and pay a one-time charge for a certain amount of impressions. Some of these services chage monthly so your ad continues to run.Targeted traffic will almost always cost more since that's the traffic that converts into sales.

Now this should not be confused with PPC advertising where you pay every time your ad is clicked. This can be very expensive but it's also targeted traffic you'll be recieving which could mean high profits as well. Any marketer without experience with PPC should do some supplemental reading before trying this marketing technique.

SEO will always be the most profitable way to market because if done successfully it could mean you had no out-of-pocket expense and therefore clean profits from the getgo. It's possible to make money using only SEO but instead of spending money like with all other marketing with SEO it usually means spending time.

There are many free resources out there about search engine optimization so really find them and apply what you learn. Once you've learned the different techniques involved then invest your time so in the end you can reap those rewards. If you prefer someone to do the hard work for you then look no further than my Site Fling Review.

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